It's time to get back to blogging this September after getting back into the routine of school! So, I decided to share with you my favorite app of the month, Songza. I have been searching for awhile now for a good playlist to fall asleep to and to study with during school. Luckily, I recently discovered this handy app that literally creates the perfect playlist for any activity you need. At the concierge part of the app, you can pick what music you need based on the event. I really like how it changes the events according to the date and time.
For instance, today I chose Labor Day Weekend. From there it gives you a couple options of what you're doing on Labor Day Weekend. I chose Last Summer day with friends, and voila! Your perfect playlist is set. If you're in a certain mood - just pick what mood you're in and Songza gives you a playlist that goes according to your emotion.
Songza even introduced me to OneRepublic's song Counting Stars which is currently number one on my list of favorite songs...but that's a whole other blog post. Hopefully you are all having a lovely Labor Day Weekend - and hopefully this app provides you the perfect music!

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