App Of The Month: Mani Diaries

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 Happy May everyone! Can you believe spring is here and in a few weeks summer will begin? Luckily that means that new vibrant bright colors are coming out to play, not only for outfits, but for your nails as well. Whenever I get super motivated to do my nails I'm always left with the feeling of dissatisfaction when I realize I have no idea what creative designs I can swipe on. So I went hunting for nail ideas...and ta da! I came across the app Mani Diaries, chock full of all the inspiration and nail tips at my finger tips. You can admire others nail designs, 'keep' nail ideas you'll need to remember, and even search for what your nail inspiration has to revolve around. But the best part is that after you've skillfully applied your mani / pedi (even if you went to the salon!) you can post a pic for others to ooo and awe over. 

I highly suggest you get this free app and follow me so I can check out all your new nail designs...but only after you mani is dry of course! 

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