App Of The Month: Duolingo

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 Bonjour mes beaux amis, Hello my beautiful friends! I can't believe June has finally graced us with it's presence! I'm unbelievably excited for summer and cannot wait to show you this month's favorite app. Like always it's free, which is surprising since it literally teaches you a whole foreign language just there on your device. Yep, no going out and buying a whole foreign language lesson that you probably won't remember, Duolingo offers courses in a variety of different languages for free. 

I decided to go with French since I already attain a little background knowledge on the language, and plus to me French is a very pretty language and used a lot in fashion - so why not become fashion fluent in two languages? Duolingo goes step by step teaching you the basics of the language first and then down to the nitty gritty. You can set goals for yourself to measure your success and duel against others to see who's come farther in their fluency. 
So go download your language buddy and then tell me what language you decided to take up. 

Au revoir! 

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