App Of The Month: Pump Up

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Happy July, everyone! So, it's a little late in the season to just be getting your bikini body - but that doesn't mean it's too late to begin a healthy lifestyle. 

I'm obsessed with all aspects of fitness to be honest, whether it's nutrition side of the spectrum or the hardcore working out. One thing I haven't mastered yet though is keeping motivated to workout out each day. 

That's where PumpUp comes in. It's a free app that supplies you with motivating community, workouts that are customized to what supplies you have at your fingertips. You can set how long you want to workout, what body part, and much more. Pair this app with clean eating and I'll be damned if we don't have six packs by next summer. 

What's your habit of keeping healthy? Let me know below or on any other of those sassy little social media sites. 

Oh yeah! And once you get your PumpUp account follow me on there @StepInsideMyCloset so we can be fitness buddies! 



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