Happy Halloween! Step aside Barbie, there's a new doll in town, and she's in head to toe Moschino rocking the runway. What better way to show off the latest Moschino Barbie fashion than transform into a doll for Halloween? Yeah, I know, I'm getting a little Life-Size-Tyra-Banks on you, but I can't help it. I was one of those little girls that was obsessed with the princesses, American Girl dolls, and of course my ultimate and forever favorite - the Barbie. From dream houses to countless outfit changes, I adored the doll. So, why be just Barbie when you could be a Moschino Barbie making your debut on the Milan Fashion week runway?
When you think of Barbie you think of pink everything so, I decided to take note from Jeremy Scott and show my love for Moschino in one of my Halloween costume ideas! I'm a Barbie girl in a Moschino world! This Totally Moschino tank holds a girly vintage charm that this Barbie girl totally had to have. I was definitely thinking pink when I slipped on my Moschino graphic printed skirt.
Guess what shoes this Barbie bought? Yep, these GUESS Beilan pumps gave the shine of the outfit with the gold toe. So simple, yet so beautifully Barbie!
Time to call Teresa...but I should really touch up my make-up too...easy! This doll just had to use her Moschino pink iPhone mirror case which can get the job done. This case makes me feel like I'm in somewhat of a fantastic hi-tech fairytale that's oozing with the color pink! Guess what? As much as I hate to see it go, I'm selling this, Paris Hilton favorite, Moschino iPhone case on my store. Get it while you can...
Applying an eye popping bright pink lipstick and an even brighter blonde hairstyle, and I think I did a pretty decent job at transforming myself into a bright eye Barbie model. Now...where's Ken?
Top: Moschino
Skirt: Moschino
Shoes: GUESS
P.S. This post was entered into: Favorite Fashion Friday

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