Nothing Stands Between A Girl And Her Coffee

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Step Inside My Closet - Chock Full O-Nuts, coffee, coffee mugs, A Cup of Quotes, quote coffee mugs, funny coffee mugs, graphic coffee mugs, great tasting coffee

One thing that most people can agree on is how heavenly coffee tastes in the morning. The smell, the taste, the energizing feeling - I mean it's an essential part of everyday life. I fell in love with coffee even more when I first tasted Chock Full o'Nuts. Proudly New York's favorite coffee since 1932, Chock Full o'Nuts is legendary for it's incredible tasting cup of Joe. Who doesn't know the famous jingle too? Chock full o'Nuts is that heavenly coffee. Heavenly coffee, heavenly coffee. Chock full o'Nuts is that heavenly coffee. Better coffee a billionaires money can't buy. 

My go-to way of making my coffee in the morning is with my Keurig, that has pretty much dominated every household. I was extremely excited that Chock Full o'Nuts came out with K-Cups so customers can have their coffee 'quick as a New York minute'! The cups come in a chock full of varieties such as Soho Morning, Midtown Manhattan, Colombian, and my favorite, Upper West Side! The consistent and perfect quality of Chock Full o'Nuts coffee has left me, and will leave you, coming back for more! 

My second thing about coffee in the morning? The mug. If you follow me on Instagram (@StepInsideMyCloset), then you would know that my mug obsession and collection has grown immensely in a short period of time. Cute and quirky mugs always have left me feeling happy. Honestly, with the amount of mugs I have collected I probably almost have one for everyday of the year. Okay, so maybe that was a little exaggerated, but I just want to get my point across. 

With this passion for coffee and extremely playful and cute mugs, I decided to embark on a business adventure by creating my own mug business - A Cup Of Quotes. From funny, inspirational, and uplifting quotes, I have grown my business to the point where I have an extraordinary large variety of mugs that make me giggle every time that I see them. The thing about A Cup Of Quotes is that each and every mug not only has a different quote, but they each are a different type of mug. From tumblers for the on the go gal, latte mugs when you need that double shot, to the simplistic handy mug - I've got you covered. Plus, there are new mugs making their debut every week. Make sure to check out A Cup Of Quotes mugs at!

Don't forget to stay up to date on new mug arrivals by following A Cup Of Quotes as well!

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 So, tell me, what's your favorite coffee and mug combo? Tell me in the comments and make sure to check out my favorite coffee and A Cup Of Quote mugs below!

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Step Inside My Closet - Chock Full O-Nuts, coffee, coffee mugs, A Cup of Quotes, quote coffee mugs, funny coffee mugs, graphic coffee mugs, great tasting coffee
Step Inside My Closet - Chock Full O-Nuts, coffee, coffee mugs, A Cup of Quotes, quote coffee mugs, funny coffee mugs, graphic coffee mugs, great tasting coffee
Step Inside My Closet - Chock Full O-Nuts, coffee, coffee mugs, A Cup of Quotes, quote coffee mugs, funny coffee mugs, graphic coffee mugs, great tasting coffee
Step Inside My Closet - Chock Full O-Nuts, coffee, coffee mugs, A Cup of Quotes, quote coffee mugs, funny coffee mugs, graphic coffee mugs, great tasting coffee

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